Monday, December 30, 2019

William Shakespeare s Doctor Faustus And Tamburlaine

Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Tamburlaine were both written in the late fifteen hundreds, in the midst of a paradigm shift between medieval and renaissance thinking. The period of uncertainty that provides the context to the two texts ensures that both plays have a mixture of medieval morality play conventions and modern renaissance features. Both Marlowe’s central protagonists are Renaissance heroes, one in Christian setting and one in Muslim setting. The instability of the time is reflected in Marlowe’s heroes who raise important questions about man’s place in Elizabethan society and the world, which naturally opens up questions of the Religious doctrines that held society together. Helen Hackett focuses on a description of the ‘archetypal Renaissance man’ being: ‘as described by the fifteenth-century Florentine neo-Platonist Pico della Mirandola: A certain sacred striving should seize the soul so that, not content with the indifferent and middling, we may pant after the highest and so (for we can if we want to) force our way up to it with all our might. Let us despise the terrestrial, be unafraid of the heavenly, and then, neglecting the things of the world, fly towards that court beyond the world nearest to God the most high. ’ Marlowe’s Faustus and Tamburlaine’s characters fit with this description, they both take on a ‘sacred striving’. The prologue to Doctor Faustus is rife with language of swelling, ‘excelling’ and ‘mount(ing)’ and theShow MoreRelatedThe Life and Works of Christopher Marlowe Essay1316 Words   |  6 Pagesmineral, corrode the heart† (O’Neill 17). William Hazlitt writes this critique on Christopher Marlowe as a playwright in his Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth and honestly he could not have said it any better. Christopher Marlowe was a brilliant man who excelled in school. He was a gifted individual and with the help of schooling became a famous playwright in the 16th century. He was roughly two months older than William Shakespeare and has been identified as the most importantRead MoreEssay on Did William Shakespeare Write the Plays and Sonnets or Not?1488 Words   |  6 PagesIt disputes whe ther Shakespeare himself wrote the plays and sonnets or if it was someone else writing under a pseudonym. There are countless theories of who the writer might actually be but the main suspects are Shakespeare himself, Edward de Vere, Sir Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, William Stanley, Roger Manners, Sir Walter Raleigh and Mary Sidney Herbert (Pressley). The first to be presumed the writer is Shakespeare himself. Many theorists believe it wasn’t Shakespeare due to the fact that

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Alternatives to Incarceration Essay - 1984 Words

In 1996, Anderson and Dyson published a study to investigate boot camp success and offender risk assessment for CRIPP (Court Regimented Intensive Probation Program) participants. This study was conducted on 1225 male boot camp graduates. Logistic regression was used to determine which participants were more likely to reoffend after boot camp. Independent variables were recoded for the logistical regression model analysis used in this study. The effect of a prior felony conviction increases the probability of failure by a significant 27%. Those found to be most likely to recidivate are those who have prior felony convictions, prior drug offenses, prior personal offenses, prior misdemeanors, and be between the ages of 17-20. This†¦show more content†¦The study found that more boot camp graduates successfully completed SIPP than other SIPP participants. More than 50% of non-boot camp graduate failed SIPP. Being employed was strongly correlated with success and decreased recidivism. In 1998, Miller and Grossi published a study that assessed the educational gains of boot camp inmates. The sample for this study was comprised of 279 individuals who completed a pre and post TABE from 1993-1995. An overwhelming majority, 87% of the participants was male, and slightly more than half were white. Slightly less than half of the offenders had less than a high school education, and an amazing 40% of offenders were drug related. Pre and post reading levels using a paired-sample t-test analysis were used. They used an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test for differences between the groups for the pre and post subject area tests. This study found that offenders who had less than a high school education were significantly lower than the scores for the offenders who had completed high school. It was noted that regardless of education levels, offenders that completed boot camp increased their math, reading, and language skills by at least one grade level. Minority o ffenders were likely to have lower pre and post test scores; however, they too improved their skills by the end of the boot camp program. In 2003, Lattimore, Broner, Sherman, Frisman, and Shafer published a study comparingShow MoreRelated Alternatives to Incarceration Essay876 Words   |  4 PagesAlternatives to Incarceration Ever since the first prison opened in the United States in 1790, incarceration has been the center of the nations criminal justice system. Over this 200 year period many creative alternatives to incarceration have been tried, and many at a much lower cost than imprisonment. It wasn’t until the late 1980’s when our criminal justice systems across the country began experiencing a problem with overcrowding of facilities. This problem forced lawmakers to developRead MoreAlternative to Incarceration Essay894 Words   |  4 PagesDecember 5, 2001 Alternatives to incarceration Ever since the first prison opened in the United States in 1790, incarceration has been the center of the nations criminal justice system. Over this 200 year period many creative alternatives to incarceration have been tried, and many at a much lower cost than imprisonment. It wasnt until the late 1980s when our criminal justice systems across the country began experiencing a problem with overcrowding of facilities. This problem forced lawmakersRead MoreAlternatives to Incarceration Essay828 Words   |  4 PagesName Course Fallacy Research Essay Date How Begging the Question Fallacy is Used Publicly and Personally Begging the question fallacy is used every day, all the time, and by everyone. Fallacy is defined as an invalid or false argument or statement to deceive someone to make him believe that what is said is true. Politics use fallacies most of the time to convince people that they are good candidates for a political position. Teenagers, use fallacies to convince other teenagers that doing somethingRead MoreExpanding Funding For Alternatives For Incarceration Essay1589 Words   |  7 PagesExpanding Funding for Alternatives to Incarceration Many individuals in prison have mental health and addiction problems. The only way they can be helped is by our system offering lower-cost alternatives to incarceration to address the problem which led them to criminal activity. Studies have indicated that only 10% or fewer inmates received mental health care while incarcerated which in turn is costly and ineffective. Studies have shown it cost $1.8 billion to house mentally ill offenders whom returnRead MoreAn Overview of Alternative Methods of Incarceration700 Words   |  3 PagesAn Overview of Alternative Methods of Incarceration Leaders at the Federal, State, and Local levels are constantly seeking ingenious methods to reduce the costs of criminal justice and corrections. It is agreed that violent offenders should be in maximum security facilities, however establishing alternatives to prison for non-violent offenders have become a necessity (e.g. DMI, Project HOPE, The 24/7 sobriety project). Due to the overcrowding and budget issues, methods have been devised to increaseRead MoreAlternative to Incarceration Intermediate Sanctions 1268 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Alternatives to incarceration have been explored in recent years due to the overcrowding in the correctional system. Intermediate sanctions is one of those alternatives. Intermediate sanctions have long way been used in the United States due to the benefits and options that it offers from saving money to reducing overcrowding but it does, however, have its unfortunate faults. There are many programs within intermediate sanctions that work and some that fall behind. IntermediateRead More Home Confinement: An Alternative to Incarceration Essay949 Words   |  4 PagesConfinement: An Alternative to Incarceration      Ã‚   West Virginia state prisons have a maximum capacity of 2,154 inmates; currently they house 2,363 inmates, and more remain in City and County lockups to manage the overflow (West Virginia Blue Book). Home Confinement solves this problem. Reduction of the prison population should be reason enough to institute home confinement, but other reasons do exist. Would you like lower taxes? Home confinement costs much less than incarceration. Do you favorRead More America Needs Alternatives to Incarceration Essay2835 Words   |  12 Pagescaught and sentenced to serve 1 year in the County Prison. Clyde never wanted to do it and was very uncomfortable doing it, but he thought it would help his family and allow them to go one more month with food on the table. Even though there are alternative forms of rehabilitation that would have kept him out of prison and been more beneficial to him and his family as well as being more cost efficient, Clyde was sent to prison to become part of the l argest prison population in the world. Read MoreThe Benefits of Community-Based Alternatives to Incarceration2170 Words   |  9 Pageslow-risk offenders to keep them from clogging up the cells in jails and soaking up unnecessary tax money? Well, the only true way to eliminate a growing prison population is to discuss, analyze, and apply prison alternatives as possible criteria for sentencing, as well as rehabilitation. Alternatives such as probation, parole, and community service will help keep prison populations at bay and within a manageable rate. In addition, tax dollars can be utilized for another issue, while low-risk criminal offendersRead More Community Based Corrections: Viable Alternative to Incarceration1679 Words   |  7 Pagesprocess. Community-based corrections facilities are located in the community and support diverse rehabilitative programs including restitution, community service and repayment of monetary fines (Moses, 2007). Community-based correction is not incarceration; there is accountab ility, responsibility and supervision with graduation within nine and twenty four months of enrollment (Honarvar, 2010). Probation, day reporting and house arrest, which use global positioning satellite tracking devices, are

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Hunters Phantom Chapter 10 Free Essays

Elder blossoms can be used for exorcism, protection, or prosperity, Bonnie read, lying flopped down on her bed, chin propped on her hands. Mix with comfrey and coltsfoot and bind in red silk during a waxing moon to make a charm bag for attracting wealth. Distill in a bath with lavender, feverfew, and motherwort for personal protection. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 10 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Burn with hyssop, white sage, and devil’s shoestring to create a smoke that can be used in exorcising bad spirits. Devil’s shoestring? Was that real y an herb? Unlike most of the others, it didn’t sound like something she’d find in her mother’s garden. She sighed noisily and skipped ahead a little. The best herbs for aiding meditation are agrimony, chamomile, damiana, eyebright, and ginseng. They may be tossed together and burned to create smoke or, when picked at dawn, dried and sprinkled around the subject in a circle. Bonnie eyed the thick book baleful y. Pages and pages and pages of herbs and what their properties were in different circumstances, and when to gather them, and how to use them. Al written as dryly and dul y as her high school geometry textbook. She had always hated studying. The best thing about the summer between high school and col ege was that no one could expect her to spend any time tucked up with a heavy book, trying to memorize excessively boring facts. Yet here she was, doing just that, and she’d total y brought it on herself. But when she had asked Mrs. Flowers to teach her magic, she had expected something, wel , cooler than being handed a heavy book on herbs. Secretly, she had been hoping for one-on-one sessions that involved casting spel s, or flying, or summoning fantastical servants to do her bidding. Less reading quietly to herself, anyway. Shouldn’t there be some way that magical knowledge could just implant itself in her brain? Like, wel , magical y? She flipped forward a few more pages. Ooh, this looked a bit more interesting. An amulet filled with cinnamon, cowslip, and dandelion leaves will help in attracting love and fulfilling secret desires. Gather the herbs in a gentle rain and, after drying, bind them with red velvet and gold thread. Bonnie giggled and kicked her feet against the mattress, thinking that she could probably come up with some secret desires to fulfil . Did she need to pick the cinnamon, or would it be okay to just get it out of the spice cupboard? She turned a few more pages. Herbs for clarity of sight, herbs for cleansing, herbs that had to be gathered under the ful moon or on a sunny day in June. She sighed once more and closed the book. It was past midnight. She listened, but the house was quiet. Her parents were sleeping. Now that her sister Mary, who’d been the last of Bonnie’s three older sisters to leave home, had moved in with her boyfriend, Bonnie missed having her right down the hal . But there were also advantages to not having her nosy, bossy big sister so close. She climbed out of bed as quietly and cautiously as she could. Her parents weren’t as sharp-eared as Mary, but they would come and check on her if they heard her getting up in the middle of the night. Careful y, Bonnie pried up a floorboard under her bed. She had used it as her hiding place ever since she was a little girl. At first she had kept a dol she’d borrowed from Mary without permission; a secret candy stash bought with her al owance; her favorite red silk ribbon. Later, she’d hidden notes from her first boyfriend, or tests she’d failed. Nothing as sinister as what was hidden there now, though. She lifted out another book just as thick as the volume on herbs Mrs. Flowers had lent her. But this one was olderlooking, with a dark leather cover wrinkled and softened by time. This book was from Mrs. Flowers’s library, too, but Mrs. Flowers hadn’t given it to her. Bonnie had snuck it off the shelf while Mrs. Flowers’s back was turned, sliding it into her backpack and projecting her most innocent face when Mrs. Flowers’s sharp eyes lingered on her afterward. Bonnie felt a bit guilty tricking Mrs. Flowers like that, especial y after the old woman agreed to mentor her. But, honestly, no one else would have had to sneak the book out in the first place. Any reason Meredith or Elena gave for wanting it would have immediately been accepted by everybody as right and true. They wouldn’t even have to give a reason, just say that they needed the book. It was only Bonnie who would be sighed at and patted on the head – sweet, silly Bonnie – and stopped from doing what she wanted. Bonnie stubbornly set her chin and traced the letters on the book’s cover. Traversing the Boundaries Between the Quick and the Dead, they read. Her heart was pounding as she opened the book to the page she’d marked earlier. But her hands were quite steady as she removed four candles, two white and two black, from beneath the floorboard. She struck a match, lit one of the black candles, and tilted it to drip wax on the floor beside her bed. When there was a little pool of melted wax, Bonnie pressed the bottom of the candle into it, so that it stood upright on the floor. â€Å"Fire in the North, protect me,† she intoned. She reached for a white candle. Plugged into its charger on the bedside table, her phone rang. Bonnie dropped the candle and swore. Leaning over, she picked up the phone to see who was cal ing. Elena. Of course. Elena never realized how late it was when she wanted to talk to somebody. Bonnie was tempted to press â€Å"ignore,† but thought better of it. Maybe this was a sign that she shouldn’t perform the ritual after al , at least not tonight. Maybe she should do some more research first to make sure she was doing it right. Bonnie blew out the black candle and pushed the button to answer her phone. â€Å"Hey, Elena,† she said, hoping her friend didn’t sense her irritation as she placed the book gently back under the floorboard. â€Å"What’s up?† The ash was unbearably heavy. He strained against it, pushing at the blanket of gray holding him down. He clawed frantical y, a panicked part of him wondering whether he was even going upward at al , whether he might not instead be digging himself farther under the surface. One of his hands was clutched tightly around something – something fine and fibrous, like thin petals. He didn’t know what it was, but he knew he shouldn’t let go of it, and despite the fact that it hampered his struggle, he did not question this need to hold on. It seemed as if he were clawing at the thick ash forever, but final y his other hand broke through the crumbling layers and relief flooded his body. He’d been going the right way; he wasn’t going to be buried forever. He reached out blindly, searching for something he could use to lever himself out. Ash and mud slid under his fingers, giving him nothing firm, and he floundered until he found what felt like a piece of wood in his grasp. The edges of the wood bit into his fingers as he clung to it as though it were a lifeline in a stormy ocean. He gradual y maneuvered his way up, slipping and sliding in the slick mud. With one last great effort, he wrenched his body out of the ash and mud, which gave a thick sucking noise as his shoulders emerged. He climbed to his knees, his muscles screaming in agony, then to his feet. He shuddered and shook, nauseated but euphoric, and wrapped his arms around his torso. But he couldn’t see anything. He panicked until he realized something was holding his eyes shut. He scrubbed at his face until he detached sticky clumps of ashy mud from his eyelashes. After a moment, he was final y able to open his eyes. A desolate wasteland surrounded him. Blackened mud, puddles of water choked with ash. â€Å"Something terrible happened here,† he said hoarsely, the sound startling him. It was so profoundly quiet. It was freezing, and he realized he was naked, covered with only the same muddy ash that was everywhere. He hunched over and then, cursing himself for his momentary weakness, painful y straightened himself up. He had to†¦ He†¦ He couldn’t remember. A drop of liquid ran down his face, and he wondered vaguely whether he was crying. Or was it the thick, shimmering fluid that was everywhere here, mixing with the ash and mud? Who was he? He didn’t know that, either, and that blankness triggered a trembling in him that was quite separate from the shivering caused by the cold. His hand was stil clenched protectively around the unknown object, and he raised his fist and stared at it. After a moment, he slowly uncurled his fingers. Black fibers. Then a drop of the opalescent fluid ran across his palm, over the middle of the fibers. Where it touched, they transformed. It was hair. Silky blond and copper hair. Quite beautiful. He closed his fist again and held them against his chest, a new determination building inside him. He had to go. Through the haze, a clear picture of his destination sprang into his mind. He shuffled forward through the ash and mud, toward the castlelike gatehouse with high spires and heavy black doors that he somehow knew would be there. How to cite The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 10, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Marketing Activities of Apple Free Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Activities of Apple. Answer: Introduction For the contemporary business organizations,marketing holds an important part in gaining competitive advantages and staying ahead in the competition. However, there are various considerations for the contemporary business organizations in implementing effective marketing strategies, which will have positive outcome. In the current business scenario, implementation of the effective marketing strategies creates differences in the competitive state of affairs (Perreault, Cannon McCarthy, 2013). Majority of the renowned business organizations have gained their brand identity and competitive advantages with the help of their marketing activities. Moreover, effective marketing activities also help in determining the requirement of the customers and thus enhance the level of customer satisfaction. Apple is one of the leading brands in the world providing mobiles and other electronic gadgets. They have their presence around the world. However, the market orientation or approach being initiated by them is unique and distinctive, which is helping them in staying ahead in the competition. They have effectively targeted their customer segments and accordingly designed their marketing activities. However, they are operating only among the niche segments. This report will discuss about the marketing activities of Apple along with determining their existing market scenario. The external and internal environment of Apple will also be evaluated. Based on their existing market scenario, recommendations will be provided regarding the potential new market segments for them. Company profile Apple is one of the leading gadget manufacturers in the world is the topmost valued brand in the world. Apple is originated from Cupertino, California and it was founded in 1976 (Apple, 2017). From the initial stage, they have concentrated more on offering innovative and first of a kind product in the market. This innovative approach of them helped them in creating a distinctive image among the existing competitors. This approach of them is being reflected on their mission and vision statement (Kopaneva Sias, 2015). According to their vision statement, innovation is the key organizational objective of them and they will continue to change the existing competitive scenario by offering unique and innovative products in the market. Thus, the vision statement of Apple is reflecting the direction for them to achieve in the future. Moreover, the business approach being followed by them is also been reflected in their vision statement. According to the mission statement of Apple, they are the market leader when it comes to introducing innovative products in the market (Tishkovskaya Lancaster, 2012). Their mission statement states their rich history of innovations ranging from introducing MAC computers to introduction of ipod in the market. Thus, the mission statement of Apple is effectively reflecting the business activities of defining the future trend of the market. Thus, having analyzed the mission and vision statement of Apple, it can be said that, their orientation towards the innovations is being reflected in their mission and vision statements. Marketing orientation of Apple The marketing orientation of Apple is towards both the product and the market. This is due to the reason that, Apple concentrates more on innovation and quality in gaining competitive advantages (Urde, Baumgarth Merrilees, 2013). The products of them automatically attract customers due to their innovative features. Thus, the products of Apple get more preferences in their marketing activities. On the other hand, the market research being involved by them in determining the requirement in the market is proving their orientation towards their customers. It helps them in effectively determining the market requirement and accordingly initiates innovations to develop products (Chan, Kwong Dillon, 2012). The key product that has taken the role of redefining the competitiveness of Apple in the market is the iphone. Introduction of iphone in the market changed the existing scenario in the Smartphone market. The innovative features being possessed by iphone helped to gain more market awaren ess for Apple. Thus, afterwards Apple has more concentrated on developing the newer versions of iphone. Evaluation of 5cs of Apple Company SWOT analysis will be involved in determining the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of Apple. The strengths of Apple include the enormous and positive brand value, which will be helpful in operating in the existing market as well as entering in the new market. Moreover, the innovations being possessed by them are one of the key competitive advantages for Apple. The initiation of premium pricing is helping them in achieving higher profit margin from their sales (Heracleous, 2013). This in turn helps them in investing more in their research and development. The weaknesses of Apple include operation only in the niche market. Thus, mass generation of revenue of Apple is not possible. Moreover, the product diversification of Apple is less compared to its competitors. Another key weakness is the non-compatibility of other software with the Apple products. Thus, customers will face issues in operating their products. Opportunities for Apple include the innovative approach being possessed by them, which will help them in tapping in newer markets in future. Moreover, due to their practice of creating new business sector, they can enter in any sector at any point of time (Kapferer Bastien, 2012). Another opportunity for them is the growing demand for their products with the growth in the global economy. Moreover, they are entering in new sectors such as television and iwatch, which will increase their competitiveness. Customers As discussed earlier, Apple operates in the niche market of the higher end customers. Majority of the customers for Apple comprise of business people and corporate who can afford their products. However, the typical consumer behavior being possessed by them is also one of the key tactics for determining the marketing strategy of Apple. According to the Maslows need theory, the products of Apple will meet the esteem need of the customers (Lester, 2013). This is due to the fact that, the esteem need refers to the requirement for self esteem, recognition and social status. Thus, the typical customer behavior of Apple is to show their wealth and status to the society (East et al., 2016). Another section of customers also opt for Apple products. This section comprises of people from business and corporate and they use the Apple products for heavy use in business purpose. Collaborators Apple has multiple suppliers and effective distribution network, which is helping them in catering to the market. The key motive of supply chain management of Apple is to offer the products to the customers timely and with more convenience (Stadtler, 2015). Their suppliers include Analog Devices, Inc, which supplies touch screen controllers for Apple iphone. Glu Mobile, Inc provides applications for the Apple mobile store. Micron Technology, Inc supplies DRAM and LPDDR2 for the products of Apple. Qualcomm, Inc is one of the leading providers of semiconductor around the world. They also provides processor and power tracker for Apple devices. Apple is managing their distribution network by their own. Majority of the distribution network is being taken care by their direct sales force. Apple maintains their own exclusive retail stores around the world (Montgomerie Roscoe, 2013). Thus, it helps them in managing the retailing more effectively and according to their organizational policies and cultures. Apple products are also being available in various online stores (Verhoef, Kannan Inman, 2015). In this case, the online vendors are the sole responsible for the retailing of the Apple products. The absence of any third party distributors is helping them in reducing the cost of distributions. Thus, the profit margin is more for them. In addition, Apple caters to similar kind of products and that too for the niche market. Thus, they not have the requirement of covering the entire market with having aggressive distribution network. Competitors Samsung, LG, and Google are the prime competitors for Apple. However, there are no close competitors due to the fact that all of its competitors are having different operating systems. Apple use their own operating system which sis exclusive to their products only. Thus, the user experience will be different for Apple compared to its competitors (Ahmad et al., 2013). However, threats are there for Apple from the existing competitors. This is due to the reason that, majority of the market share in the Smartphone business is being controlled by Android, which is being used by all the competitors of Apple (Ruiz et al., 2012). Compared to this, the market share of Apple IOS is less. Moreover, the entry of new competitors with updated technologies will pose threat for them. Context The external environment of Apple is diverse due to the operation and market presence around the world. However, few issues may pose challenges in their business activities. The legal environment around the world is diverse and varied in different countries. Thus, it will be a challenge for them to adhere with varied legal formalities around the world (Bagley, 2015). The political environment is also favorable for Apple due to the reason that, major countries in the world are providing various incentives in attracting investments. Moreover, the government regulations are more business friendly in the current scenario, which will have favorable impact on the business of Apple. Social environment for Apple is also favorable due to the reason that more number of people is getting attracted towards Smartphone and technologies. Moreover, there is always a craze and motivation works for the customers in having the access of Apple due to its aesthetic and esteem appeal (Phillips-Melancon Dalakas, 2014). However, with having operating only in the niche market, Apple does not have the access to the mass market. The technological environment for Apple is more challenging for them due to the reason that in the present business scenario, technologies are being changed rapidly and it is difficult for them to cope up with the rapid change in technology. Market intelligence of Apple One of the key tools being involved by Apple is the initiation of social media marketing. This is due to the reason that, social media marketing helps in determining the market trend more effectively by engaging directly with the customers (Tuten Solomon, 2014). Moreover, it is also helping them in determining the customer preference towards their competitors. This in turn helps them in identifying the areas, where they are trailing behind their competitors. They also involve market research for their existing customers (Chen, Chiang Storey, 2012). According to Apple, only the existing customers of them will be able to tell what they need more in future. Thus, the customer taste and preference pattern is being effectively determined. Social media marketing also reflects the change in the taste and preference pattern of the customers, which will help them in modifying their activities accordingly. As earlier discussed, Apple involves less amount of collaborators in their supply chain and distribution network. Thus, the role played by them is minimal and negligible in the business activities of Apple. However, the suppliers of Apple also play an important role in providing competitor trend (Upson et al., 2012). This is due to the reason that, the suppliers of Apple provides materials to other technology organizations also. Thus, the trend can be generated from them regarding the competitors activities. Recommended market segment As already discussed, Apple operates in the niche market, which is having very limited potential. Thus, to expand their business portfolio and market presence, Apple should also target the mass market to a certain extent. This will help them to enhance the market area along with catering to more number of customers. The target market should be the middle class customers around the world. STP model will be involved in determining the viability of the proposed market segment (Hollensen, 2015). According to the STP model, the first step is the segmentation of the target market. The segment should be classified according to the geography and demography. In the initial stage, middle class segments from the developed countries should be targeted due to the reason that, the purchasing power of this segment in these countries will be more. Moreover, according to the demographic classification, the target segment should be the age group of 20 to 40. This is due to the reason that, majority of this age group will represent the college goers and corporate people. Majority of the popularity of Apple is being generated from this age group. The next step is the targeting. Apple should introduce products with having more affordability and convenience to target the mass market. This strategy will be beneficial due to the reason that the exclusivity of Apple has an unique appeal among the mass market. Thus, effective initiation of the pricing strategies will help to target this segment. The last step is the positioning. Apple should position their products in such way that it will attract the targeted audience effectively. The brand name is there for Apple which will help them to effectively penetrate in the targeted market. Their positioning statement should be offering the brand value of Apple in affordable price. Thus, the targeted segment will have the impression of having the access of exclusivity of Apple in more affordable cost. This will be effective due to the reason that all the competitors will provide features but cannot provide the brand value being possessed by Apple. Recommended marketing mix: Product The product should be feature rich according to the targeted segments requirement. It may not have the high end features of Apple but should meet the criterions of the target audience. Moreover, the aesthetic appeal should be considered due to the fact that Apple is known for their aesthetic value. It will help to enhance the value created for the customers. Price The pricing strategy should be initiated according to the economy status of the targeted audience. The price should not be much lower due to the fact that it may dilute the brand image of Apple. The pricing should be done in such a way that it will be affordable yet will have premium feel for the targeted customers. Place Products should be made available in third party premium retailers due to the fact that the exclusive retail outlets of Apple have limited market presence. Thus, availability in the leading retail stores will help to enhance the exposure as well as the brand awareness. The online presence will also help to reach out to the target audience. Promotion The promotional channel should be selected according to their effectiveness among the target segment. Mass media channels such as TVC and print media will help to effectively reach out to the targeted segment. Moreover, social media marketing will also be beneficial to promote the products to the mass market. Conclusion Apple is having favorable market scenario in the niche market. However, in order to increase their market presence and to survive the growing challenge from its competitors, they need to penetrate in the mass market. This will help them to leverage their brand value and increase their market share in the mass market along with enhancing the brand exposure. In this report, the marketing orientation of Apple along with their marketing strategy in the niche market is being evaluated. It is being seen that they have implemented an effective mechanism of operating in the market. Thus, it is being concluded that, the marketing expertise will help Apple in penetrating in the mass market as well. It will not only increase their revenue generation, but will also help to gain competitive advantages from the market. References Ahmad, M. S., Musa, N. E., Nadarajah, R., Hassan, R., Othman, N. E. (2013, July). Comparison between android and iOS Operating System in terms of security. In Information Technology in Asia (CITA), 2013 8th International Conference on (pp. 1-4). IEEE. Apple. (2017). Apple. Retrieved 15 September 2017, from Bagley, C. E. (2015). 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Alice Lloyd College Admissions - ACT Scores, Tuition...

Alice Lloyd College Admissions - ACT Scores, Tuition... Alice Lloyd College Admissions Overview: Alice Lloyd College had an acceptance rate of 22 percent in 2016, but  the actual admission bar isnt overly high. Admitted students tend to have average ACT or SAT scores and grades in the A and B range. The admission process, however, is holistic and involves much more than numerical measures. As a work college with an extremely low price tag, Alice Lloyd looks for students who will be a good match for the college and who will benefit from the experience. For this reason, all applicants must schedule an interview with an admissions counselor, and visiting the campus for a tour is highly recommended.   Admissions Data (2016): Alice Lloyd College Acceptance Rate: 22 percentTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 440 / 590SAT Math: 470 / 540What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 18  / 25ACT English: 17  / 25ACT Math: 16 / 23What these ACT numbers mean Alice Lloyd College Description: Alice Lloyd College is a small liberal arts college located in Pippa Passes, Kentucky. It is also one of seven recognized  American work colleges, meaning that students are employed in the college’s work-study program on campus or with an off-campus outreach project as a way to gain work experience and to partially pay their tuition. Students at Alice Lloyd College are required to complete at least 160 hours of work per semester. The remote campus is situated on 175 acres in the hills of eastern Kentucky, a few hours southeast of Lexington. Academics are strong and leadership-driven, supported by the college’s work program. Students can choose from 14 liberal arts majors, including popular programs in biology, business administration and elementary education. The college is located in Knott County, which is a dry county, so alcohol is prohibited on campus. The Alice Lloyd College Eagles compete in the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference of the NAIA. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 605  (all undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 45 percent male / 55 percent female95  percent full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $11,550Books: $1,400 (why so much?)Room and Board: $6,240Other Expenses: $5,100Total Cost: $24,290 Alice Lloyd College Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 99 percentLoans: 65 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $8,832Loans: $4,244 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Biology, Business Administration, Elementary Education, Social Sciences, History, English Literature, Sociology, Exercise Science Retention and Graduation Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 84 percentTransfer-out Rate: 20 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 27 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 31 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Track and Field, Cross CountryWomens Sports:  Basketball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Cross Country, Tennis, Softball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Alice Lloyd College, You May Also Like These Schools: For students that might be interested in another work college, other recognized schools include  Berea College,  Warren Wilson College,  Blackburn College,  Ecclesia College, and the College of the Ozarks. If youre looking for a small school (around or less than 1,000 students) in Kentucky, Transylvania University, Georgetown College, and Kentucky Wesleyan College are all great choices. And all three of these schools are largely accessible, with at least two-thirds of applicants accepted each year. Alice Lloyd College Mission Statement: mission statement from The mission of Alice Lloyd College is to educate mountain people for positions of leadership by Making an Alice Lloyd College education available to qualified mountain students regardless of their financial situation.Offering a high quality academic program, emphasizing the liberal arts.Promoting the work ethic through a self-help Student Work Program in which all full-time students participate.Providing an atmosphere in which Christian values are maintained, encouraging high personal standards, and the development of character.Serving the community and region through appropriate outreach programs which utilize mountain people helping mountain people.Assisting deserving students in obtaining advanced study beyond their program at Alice Lloyd.Producing leaders for Appalachia who possess high moral and ethical values, an attitude of self-reliance, and a sense of service to others.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Become an Audiologist -TheJobNetwork

How to Become an Audiologist -TheJobNetwork If you know someone who has struggled with hearing loss, then you probably also know how essential audiologists are to the healthcare community. Audiologists work with doctors and patients to identify, diagnose, and treat hearing, balance, and related disorders. They also work to help patients communicate with the world. The Day-to-DayClinical audiologists are experts in the science of hearing-related disorders. Their work includes:Evaluating hearing and balance problemsContinuing ttreatment of people with hearing and balance disordersPreventing hearing lossTesting patients’ hearingCounseling patientsFitting hearing aids and other assistive hearing devicesTreating balance disordersEducating patients on communication strategies (like sign language, speech reading, etc.)Audiologists typically work in clinical settings like hospitals, private medical offices, schools, and government agencies. They can choose to specialize by patients’ age (like pediatric or geriatric), by disorder (like tinnitus, auditory processing, or balance problems), or by treatment (like cochlear implants, hearing aids, etc.). They often work with other healthcare professionals, such as doctors, speech-language pathologists, educators, and other allied health professionals to help develop treatment plans for patients.Audiologists work a pretty typical 40-50 hour week, although some work part-time.For more on what it’s like to be an audiologist, check out these videos:Julie Martinez Verhoff: School AudiologistBecome an Audiologist or SLP Reward Yourself with a Career that Helps OthersThe RequirementsBecoming an audiologist requires a pretty strong commitment: most audiologists have a doctoral degree (AuD) from a program accredited by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. They also need to pass the Praxis Examination in Audiology. Additionally, almost all states require a license, so be sure to check on your own state’s requirements.The SkillsThe audiol ogy field calls for a number of special skills and knowledge bases, including:Attention to detailMath and science (particularly biology and communication sciences)Critical thinkingPatient evaluationAnatomy and physiologyDisease managementCommunication skillsThe PayThe median salary for licensed audiologists is $73,060 per year, or $35.13 per hour, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Because this is a field that requires so much advanced education and training, members rate it highly: a survey of audiologists showed that they were â€Å"extremely satisfied† with their career choice.The OutlookLike most allied health professions, audiology is expected to keep on growing for the foreseeable future. The BLS expects an incredible 29% growth by 2024.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

News Paper Economic issue Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

News Paper Economic issue - Article Example While discussing the proposed payments and buying of the assets, the article also deals with how the government would like to have control over the banks at a scale â€Å"not seen since the great depression of the 1930’s†. This is significant as they have been questions over the way the government has been bailing out banks without asking for accountability in return. The article is disapproving of the way in which the government is silent on â€Å"specifics† on how and where the money from the stimulus package is going to be spent. From an economic point of view, the government is well within its rights to print more money and flood the economy with liquidity. However, it would be prudent to consider the inflationary effects of such a move. Further, the direct involvement of the government in the running of the banks may be a welcome sign in these times when reckless corporate greed and unethical behavior have undermined the credibility of financial institutions in the United States. The effect of such governmental intervention may not be exactly in the spirit of laissez faire economics but the current situation is that it would not be a bad idea if the rampant speculation and recklessness are reined in. This paper is in response to the article, â€Å"To Fix Detroit, Obama is said to drop plan for ‘Car Czar’â€Å"that appeared in the New York Times on Feb 15, 2009. The article discusses the cancellation of the appointment of an ombudsman to oversee the restructuring of the Big three automakers: GM, Ford and Chrysler. Instead, the article points out that the president himself would like to oversee the restructuring of the troubled automakers and thus there is no need for a â€Å"Car Czar†. The article is economic in nature as it pertains to the rescue of GM and Chrysler from near bankruptcy and their bailout under a federally guaranteed scheme. The article

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why Facebook Acquired Whatsapp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Why Facebook Acquired Whatsapp - Essay Example Facebook and WhatsApp are among the leading social media platforms in the modern world. The two social Media have a significant number of users that each pose a threat to another as far as the social media business is concerned. In comparison to other social Media that have been in existence before the invention of WhatsApp, Facebook was dominating the market with the highest number of users. With the coming of WhatsApp in the social media market, it intensified the completion to a point where Facebook opted to acquire it. Â  Apart from the excessive competition in the social media market brought about by Whatsapp application, there are many other ways to justify the acquisition of Whatsapp by Facebook. Just like in other forms of business, one business my either merge with another or fully acquire it depending on the business environment they both face. According to studies by Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt (2012 p, 133), one business may acquire another in order to increase its growth, gain market power, manage risks and reduce costs. In relation to such acquisition reasons, Facebook owners made the move to acquire Whatsapp in order to increase its growth in the social media market. Acquiring Whatsapp, which is a strong competitor, would also help Facebook manage the risk of elimination from business and cut costs of operation such as advertising. Management of such factors would subsequently lead to an increase in the market power by Facebook. Â  In studies conducted by Frankel (2011 p.22), he notes that, among the main reasons why one business may acquire another include customers and market share. One business may want to take over the customers of a competing business and successively take over the market share.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Skills for Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Skills for Learning - Essay Example I also able to decide the best reading strategy, that is, whether I need to scan, skim or read in-depth. I am able to make effective notes when I am reading, but I find it harder to do the same when listening. 4. Theoretical and reflective writing skills In many cases, I can analyze assignments to determine what I am expected to do. I know and understand the difference between a report and an essay. I have no problem punctuating and using grammar and spelling without making mistakes. Usually, I do not have difficulty expressing my ideas in the written form. 5. Spoken Communication Sometimes I feel confident participating in class and group discussions. I often ask questions about topics that I need clarification in. 6. Planning for Personal Development Many times, I am able to organize my time so as to meet deadlines. However, this does not happen all the time. I am not so good at setting targets, and when I do, I find it hard to reflect on my progress towards the goals. 7. Informati on Technology Skills I able to use basic programs to create retrieve and store files. I am also able to use word processing packages to produce my documents; however, I need to improve on my speeds and proficiency. I am not able to use spreadsheets to manipulate data. The Action Plan – Task 2 Academic Skills for Learning that I need to improve The following are the five areas in which I need to improve: 1. Theoretical and reflective writing skills: I need to be able to analyze all my assignments so as to understand exactly what I am supposed to do. 2. Reading and note-making strategies: I need to be able to take effective and comprehensive notes while reading or listening. 3. Generating ideas: I need to improve my idea generation skills and be able to conceive the existing ones in new ways. 4. Information Technology Skills: I need to improve on my word processing skills and typing speeds 5. Planning for Personal Development: I need to improve on how I manage my time Targets 1 . To be able to effectively analyze all my assignments by the end of two weeks. 2. To be able to take comprehensive and neat notes by the end of the module. 3. To be able to formulate my own ideas from what I read by the end of one month. 4. To be proficient in all information technology techniques that I need to know by the end of the module. 5. To be able to plan and use my study time and non-study time efficiently. Strategies to help me improve: 1. I will practice on a lot of assignments which I will have someone else evaluate to see how best I can analyze and understand what is expected of me. 2. I will practice reading and note taking skills following the recommendations in textbooks and class notes. 3. I will go through different essays and reports and try to formulate my own ideas from what I read, and then seek feedback from my study skills tutor 4. I will practice using different word processing skills and seek help on the areas where I face difficulty. 5. I will create a p ersonal schedule which I will use to allocate time for studying. Resources I will need to help me: Different assignment packages from the departmental library Study skills guides, textbooks and tutorial packages Academic journals containing essays and reports in the college library Access to the computer lab and use of my own PC Different examples of personal schedules from module textbooks Essay –

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Life And Issues Of The Corinthian Community Religion Essay

The Life And Issues Of The Corinthian Community Religion Essay Paul wrote to Corinth, a community plagued by internal divisions, social and ethnic distinction, and a diversity of congregations. Regardless of whatever the circumstances may be, the apostle confronts the problematic issues boldly and with authority. Nevertheless, controversy still burns brightly today, on these issues just as they did in the early church, rendering it ideal subject matter for theological and hermeneutical consideration. Accordingly, the purpose of this essay is to reconstruct the life and issues of the fledgling Corinthian church and to determine firstly, whether Paul really understood the issues at hand, and secondly the effective of Pauls response in the Corinthian community to his call at the time. This essay will address the life and issues of the Corinthian community as recorded in the book of I Corinthians. This book narrates how the apostle Paul heard of the Corinthian Christian communitys troubles and responded with this letter to remedy their situation, heal their divisions, and answer their questions. Paul confronted them with their sin and need for corrective action and clear commitment to Christ. The stance taken here is that Paul did understand the life and issues of the Corinthian community and the effectiveness of his response was positive and appropriate for the time. The reconstruction of the life and issues of Corinth are assessed here through the three major problems facing the community, and one specific issue for each of those problems. The three major problems facing the church in Corinth related to the church, the members and the authority. Of the numerous issues within these three groupings the specific issues addressed here are the Lords Supper, marriage and women. Corinthian church was founded by Saint Paul approximately twenty years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The apostle loved the Corinthian community with fervour and frustration for it was a vibrant and confused church. An extensive description of its establishment is recorded in Acts 18. Moreover, two of the longest letters in the New Testament, 1 and 2 Corinthian, are specifically addressed to it.  [1]   The first epistle written to the Corinthians was penned by Paul from Ephesus in reply to reports brought to him by two emissaries, and possibly Apollos (16:12). The arrangement of the letter indicates a response determined by the issues put to Paul (7:1). The correspondences content is acquired via the subject matter being introduced through a formula (peri de), latter repeated in (7:25; 8:1; 12:1; 16:1; 12). Notably, Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to address exceptional issues, rather than to demonstrate common principles, or to give an expose of Christian practice.  [2]   Neyrey states: By his own admission, Paul thought and behaved like a typical, first-century Jew in the Eastern Mediterranean (Phil. 3:4b-6). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Paul was clearly socialized into a Jewish and Pharisaic world. On the micro level, his cosmos consisted of biblical, temple, and pharisaic tradition. On the macro level, Paul shared with other first-century Mediterranean Jews certain cultural perceptions about the cosmos, a symbolic universe (Berger Luckmann1966). These perceptions inform all of his letters, colour the way he experienced reality, and structure the way he behaved. Those who would understand Paul ought also to share his perception, both on the micro and macro level.  [3]   There were various issues related to the community in Corinth. The three main problem areas were: a) the church, b) the members and c) authority. Problems within the church were notably related to mission, baptism, the Lords Supper, body life, love, worship and prophecy. Problems with members related to intellect, freedom, giving, sex, suffering and death. Problems with authority related to leaders, women and apostles.  [4]  Of these aforementioned problems and issues three are dealt with here. They are problems relating to the life and issues of the Corinthian Christian community at the time relative to (1) the Lords Supper, (2) sexual morality and (3) the role of women. (1) Problems within the church notably the Lords Supper. (1 Cor. 11:17-34) Paul had heard of scandalous behaviour in the Corinthian community worship relative to the Eucharist. The purpose of the Eucharistic gathering was to take part in the Lords Supper, as enacted by Jesus with the disciples. Regrettably, some of the Corinthian Christians were behaving in a way which denigrated the significance of the event.  [5]   This was as a result of class feelings and distinctions manifesting in the community (cf. James 2:1-4) with private cliques and affluent individuals initiating proceedings without waiting for others to eat. Gluttony, unsociable behaviour and drunkenness were becoming a familiar occurrence. To rebut this Paul reminds them that such conduct makes the professed reason for their joining in communion invalid and pointless.  [6]  Their actions constituted a contradiction to Church meaning and jeopardised the welfare of all. As such, Paul clearly perceived and understood this issue in the Corinthian community at the time. Furthermore, the intention of the Lords Supper was as a common meal, and Pauls condemnation relates to the Corinthians contradicting this principle (11:20-21). Thus, the Christians of Corinth would be better served by eating in their own homes rather than feigning a pretentious a unity repudiated by their behaviour. Pauls intention is not to censure gluttony and drunkenness, but to emphasize an egocentric apathy which is the antithesis of love.  [7]   Pauls denunciation is explicit as the Corinthians behaviour held communion in contempt (v.22) and could not being allowed to persist. Pauls remedial approach is by way of an explanation of the Eucharist. Paul showed how love is necessary for the Eucharist to have meaning and this love commences in their personal community relationships with one another, particularly the poor.  [8]   Relevant to this point, Murphy OConner notes that: The unity for the church is something more than physical juxtaposition in a determined space. It is a vital sharing of life and the Corinthians cannot deceive themselves that they enjoy this if the physical life of the poor is endangered because they do not have enough to eat.  [9]   (2) Problems with members notably sex. Pauls severe reprimand on sexual immorality defiling the church is presented in (5:1-6). From the start the Christian stance to the widespread unseemly Corinthian sexual practices and thought was one of uncompromising opposition, for sexual negligence was endemic with first-century Greeks. However, the Corinthians view of their emancipation in Christ was such that they felt inclined towards a different approach to other Christians, yet this was one which permitted even worse evils than the Greeks.  [10]   Paul condemns such sexual sin in the strongest of terms (6:9-20) because the troubles in the Corinthian church were basically related to sexual conduct.  [11]  Moreover, prostitution and immorality were invasive with marriages in Corinth in a dilemma and Christians unsure how to respond. Accordingly, Paul gave meaningful and practical solutions.  [12]   Pauls instruction can be separated into heterosexual and homosexual activity outside of marriage. Paul refuted the argument assuming that as Christians were not bound by food laws then the same applied to sexual laws (6:13). Pauls unyielding and persuasive argument said that it is fundamentally impossible to compare the two, as in Christian terms the word body means much more than animal tissue. Paul maintained that body is the self and he marshalled numerous arguments to sustain this position.  [13]   Pauls argument is bases on six facts: (a) that our body matters to God (1:63), (b) our body will be raised (6:14), (c) our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (6:19), (d) our body is harmed by immorality(6:18), (e) fornication for a Christian is a rebellious act of independence, and most importantly (f) that our body belongs to Christ (6:19-20). Paul concludes by counselling to shun immorality (6:18) and emphasising that the body is for the Lord and should be kept that way, with this possibility only accessible through the power of the Holy Spirit.  [14]   Relative to homosexuality, Paul gives scant attention to the issue however he makes the point that it is basically unacceptable for Christian practice (6:9-11) and that it can be changed (6:9-11). His premise is that homosexuality is immoral and an unattainable avenue to Heaven. Paul refers to Genesis and the image of God residing mutually in the male and female (Gen.1:27).  [15]   (3) Problems relating to authority and women. Paul is considered by many to be a misogynist (a man who hates women). Nevertheless, Pauls overall attitude to women was reflective of the time and culture. However, Jesus teachings were revolutionary relative to the role and rights of women, and Paul embraced this new perception afforded to women.  [16]   The situation of women in Corinthian society indicates that women were held in low esteem in Hebrew, Greek and Roman culture. A womens authority was severely limited in that she was subject to the authority of her father or husband, could not inherit property, could not testify in a court of law, or claim right to education. Moreover, the temple of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, prostituted a thousand women in its service further demeaning their social status. Such was the state of affairs of women in Corinth at that time and the problem faced by Saint Paul.  [17]   Conversely, Christianity engaged women in church and community work, women such as Mary, Tryphaena and Tryphosa who worked hard in the Lord (Rom.16:12). They are found labouring with Paul in spreading the gospel (Phil.4:3) and supporting in various ways. For women both to pray and prophecy during public worship (1 Cor.11:5) was acceptable by Paul, despite being a contradiction to the customs of the time.  [18]   The fact that Paul was clear on the position of women in the church and that they were equal with all others is clarified in Galatians (3:28). For Paul men and women had complete equality of standing before God (1 Cor. 11:11). Unquestionably, the revolutionary teaching of Jesus had systematically permeated into the heart of Paul, the rabbi and apostle of Jesus. However, an issue on which Paul disagreed with women was regarding womens headdress (11:5). By dispensing with the customary covering for their heads many of women within the Corinthian church were defying tradition. It appears they viewed their action as having religious importance as the particular circumstance on which they chose to exhibit their uncovered heads was at worship. Their unconventional behaviour was obviously an expression of a new found freedom related to the Christian faith.  [19]   Undoubtedly, this was an assertion of feminine freedom found within the context of the new faith. To these women the covered head was symbolical of their subordination to men, and ceased to be acknowledged by them under conditions of worship. Paul differed with them on this point of headdress despite acknowledging womens right to speak in church under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This Paul ruled as an exception to the silence he otherwise imposed on them (ch.14:34), nevertheless he considered it did not excuse them from covering their heads.  [20]   Having considered problems within the church relating to the Lords Supper, sex and women there is, however, a further dynamic for reflection when appreciating the circumstances that occasioned I Corinthians. That dynamic is a developing conflict between the church in Corinth and Paul himself. Watson notes Gordon Fees observation that the language and style of I Corinthians are especially rhetorical and combative. Paul is taking them on at every turn à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ he is attacking and challenging with all the weapons in his literary arsenal.  [21]   While Paul is undoubtedly seeking to right both their theology and practices in a comprehensive way, it is clear that Paul needs to defend his apostolate. Moreover, the fact remains that the Corinthians had written to the apostle seeking his advice. This proves that he remains an authority figure in their eyes, understanding and appreciating their lives and issues. Hermeneutically, Corinth reflects realistically on our contemporary Christian community situation. The problems and issues addressed by St.Paul are still relevant to society and the church today. The text offers a splendid observation of Paul the church cultivator and pastor utilizing his theology for the service of the church. Green notes: The spread of abuses and problems at Corinth enable us to share the apostles perspective on a large number of issues of contemporary importance to the church. The whole correspondence throbs with life and love. However, there are difficulties associated with Corinthians that keep it a closed book to most church members today. The Corinthian issues are considered too awkward to tackle, such as tongues, prophecy and veiled women.  [22]   Naturally, this appraisal would be stalled at the outset if Pauls solutions to these problems relate simply to antiquated issues, For example, if First Corinthians rests on the necessity of the Lords Supper, sexual practices or the wearing veils to worship then the ethical instruction of Paul may well be relegated to archaic morality. Fortunately, however, the ethic of Paul is a protest against that very kind of literalistic and legalistic teaching. His concern with the practical should not be construed as a banal particularise. Rather, the concern with particulars rests on the conviction that basic ethical concerns are relevant o every aspect of human conduct.  [23]   Providentially, however, Pauls ethic is an objection to such literalistic and legalistic teaching. His concern with the practical should not be negatively construed but rather his concern with facts supports his conviction that fundamental ethical issues are pertinent to all facets of human behaviour. Pauls analysis and response to these commonplace issues offer theological considerations of merit. Repeatedly throughout First Corinthians Paul commences with a common concern, probes its depth for theological understanding, and applies theological principles for the practical application Christian life.  [24]   Pauls theological ethic can only be fully understood in relation to its application and relevance. First Corinthians may be applied as here as a fundamental source for investigation because the tension between the practical and theological are constantly sustain. Here the Christocentric character of Pauls thought is clearly expressed with Pauls answers founded on the rock of Christ. In conclusion it has been seen how Paul confronted the Corinthians Christians regarding their sins and shortcomings, exhorting them not to merge with the world or accept its false values and erroneous lifestyles. The root causes of these errors may be seen in an assimilation of the gospel to Hellenism however a more plausible reason is the human inclination to reshape God in our own image. Paul was well aware of what and why he was doing it when he wrote to the church of God at Corinth (1:2). The apostles purpose in writing to the Corinthians is clearly reproving. Paul wants them to know that he is concerned with the assembly and tells them what they should and not do in explicit terms. In addressing the issues relating to the Lords Supper, marriage and women (as with the other issues) Paul exhibits a clear understanding of the facts. This is received through the reliability of the sources and Pauls own background and worldly experiences. His adroit and forthright response addresss the situation squarely and accurately warranting an effective outcome. Paul makes it clear that his actions have no self advantage but that his writing is a command of the Lord (14:37). Pauls letter to the Corinthians offers the contemporary reader a window into a real and struggling early Christian community that challenged the Corinthians to allow the gospel to engage them in the reality of their daily lives. Likewise, the contemporary reader is challenged to allow the gospel message to engage them in the very realities of daily life and to celebrate their oneness in Christ when the church gathers for Eucharist and spiritual communication.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Image Of Child Heros :: essays research papers

Image of Child Heros The image of a child hero or â€Å"trickster† is seen in many cultures. This kind of role can tell a lot about how a culture acts and reacts to things. The idea of the child hero in stories written and told before the birth of Christ probably reflect the peoples beliefs that the child is the future, and therefore carries some sort of power or gift. For stories that were written after the birth of Christ, the child could reflect the idea stated above, or it could also be the peoples belief in an infant savior, that a child will make everything right again. Whether the story comes from before Christ or after, the one uniform aspect about these stories is that they are present in every culture, all around the world. The image of the â€Å"trickster† is also very prevalent in the different cultures. It is seen in many different fables and moral-based stories. â€Å"You cannot go against the Philistine, you are but a youth, and he has long been a man of war†(Metzger 145). This is what King Saul of Israel said to David when he proposed that he fight the Philistine warrior Goliath. The story of David and Goliath is quite possibly one of the oldest child hero stories. It was part of the Bible, in the Old Testament. In this story a young man named David proposes to the king of Israel that he fight and attempt to kill Goliath, the giant that had been plaguing Israel. The king agrees, however hesitantly, and David goes on to slay the beast using just a slingshot. While this story is not one that was made up, it still shows us that the ancient Hebrews believed in the fact that a child, or in this case teen, has the will and motivation to do the impossible. Staying on the eastern side of the world, we will next see examples of Russian stories. In the former Soviet Union, a lot of the time stories, books and other types of art were hard to come by. â€Å"In a broader sense, though, recent years have witnessed genuine cultural enrichment, as Gorbachevs glasnost policy permitted the works of previously forbidden writers, artists, and cinematographers to become accessible†(Grolier Multimedia). After the public was able to get at the mass of stories that had been kept from them, there was even more of an increase of books and other forms of art. The Russian people now had much more of an incentive to write. â€Å"In a certain village, not near, not far,